
Mon-Wed & Fri: 0730-1630
Thurs: 0730-1200
Closed Weekends, US Holidays, & Down Days


Bldg. 937, First Floor Room 106


DSN: 784-5609
COMM: 0505-784-5609


The 51 FSS Marketing Office is here to help boost morale for Airmen and their families by keeping our community informed about activities, events, and services at Osan. We promote programs and events such as ITT trips, special events at the Officersā€™ and Enlisted Clubs, classes at the Mustang Community Center, and lots more. Stay up to date on FSS happenings and get information regarding FSS events, contests, and updates through the platforms below:


Studio51 - Marketing Request

Our mobile app keeps you connected!

Team Osan is on the USAF Connect App! Just download below & favorite the 51st Fighter Wing. Air Force Connect has everything you need to stay in touch and up to date with Osan Air Base. Features include Notifications, News, Base Directory, Force Support, Osan Schools, and more.