
2nd & 4th Wednesday @ O-Club
Newcomers Orientation: 0800-1050
Information Fair: 1050-1120

"Hwan-Yeong Mustang!" (Newcomers' Orientation & Info-Fair)

Welcome to Osan Air Base

Airman, Guardians, Families and Civilians
Newcomers Orientation & Information Fair

Osan AB Newcomers Orientation & Information Fair Survey

Information Fair Partners

Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC)

The McPherson Center, Building 916
Office Hours: Monday ā€“ Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
COMM: 0505.784.5440 DSN: 784.5440
Email: osan.afrc@us.af.mil
Website: Osan M&FRC

Osan AB Energy And Utility Management

Building 600
COMM: 0505.8025.9176 DSN: 784.9176
Email: david.moysey.ctr@us.af.mil

1. Much electricity is wasted with many outdoor lights working during daylight hours, so how can we get that reduced?
2. Who can I call if I notice wasted energy situations?
3. Who do I contract and what should I do when experiencing over-cooling of facilities in summer, and over-heating of facilities in Winter?


Osan Main Exchange / 6307.1001.00
Army & Air Force Exchange Service
DSN 784.4239 / COMM 070.7580.1826 (Ext.7)
Email: chaehy@aafes.com

What is MILITARY STAR Card and what are the benefits of using it?
What is ā€˜Buy Online Pick-up In Storeā€™, and how does it work?
What services OSAN Exchange provide?

Community Bank

Community Bank, Bldg 965
DSN: 784.5531 or 784.1533
Email: osan.bc@dodcommunitybank.com

1. Can I use the Community Bank account that I opened in another country, such as Germany, Okinawa, Italy, etc.?
2. I have accounts with Bank of America. Can I make the Bank of America account transactions here at your bank?
3. Do you do loan business? If yes, can I see the loan interest rates?
4. Can I make local payments through Community Bank?


Educational and Developmental Intervention Services
Camp Humphreys, Building #5425 (Next to West Elementary School)
DSN: 737.1306

What age do we service? (Birth -3)
How do you provide services? We provide services in the childā€™s natural environment
How do I get my child screened? You or your medical provider can request a referral to EDIS


Osan AB Library, Bldg 921
DSN: 784.6611 COMM: 0505.784.6611
Email: 51fss.fsdl.1@us.af.mil (*Recommend contacting FB Messenger)
Library Website: www.51fss.com/library
Facebook: facebook.com/OsanAirBaseLibrary

Osan Sparks

Osan Spark, Bldg: 769
DSN: 784.6015
Email: 51FW.Osan.Spark@us.af.mil

1. What is it that we do? Osan Spark collects ideas from Airmen across the base with the goal of funding promising solutions. Airmen who submit their idea will be asked a series of refining questions by Osan Spark mentors to gather data and accelerate the problem-solving process.
2. How will I know if my idea has been received? Osan Spark has a tracker of every idea submitted and will have information on the status of the idea, which member will be assigned to it, and any other remarks on the idea.


Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation (Off Base)
Phone Number: 031.692.4302
E-mail: pief.gpt@gmail.com

Q: What does your organization do?
A. PIEF offers various programs that help foreigners get settled in (Korean classes, cooking classes, cultural classes, tours, etc.), interact with the locals, and provide cultural events (performances, concerts, festivals, etc.), In addition, PIEF also offers programs that help globalize its citizens through lectures, English education, etc. Lastly, PIEF also operates the Pyeongtaek Foreigner Information Center, which provides information about daily life, translation/interpretation assistance, professional consultations (lawyer, labor attorney, administration officer).
*note: depending on the ROK social distancing guidelines, programs and events may be subject to change (e.g., virtual)
Q. How do we find information about your programs?
A. The most frequently updated channel is Facebook (www.facebook.com/withpief). If applications are required, information will be included in the post. If you do not use Facebook, you may email us at pief.gpt@gmail.com or call us at 031.692.4302 and weā€™ll direct you to the person-in-charge of the inquired program.
Q. Where are you located?
A. PIEF has 2 branches, which are both located near the military bases. PIEF ST Center (Songtan International Community Center) is located at the end of the train tracks of the SED (near Osan AB Morin Gate), and PIEF PS Center (Paengseong International Community Center) is located near Oscarville Apartments and the dog park (near Camp Humphreys Main Gate).

Stars & Stripes

Stars and Stripes, Bldg. #12601 Camp Humphreys
DSN: 755.2255
Email: CustomerHelp@stripes.com

1. What is Stars and Stripes?
Stars and Stripes is a multimedia news organization providing independent news and information to the U.S. military community, including active-duty service member, DoD civilians, veterans, contractors, and their families during war and peace times.
2. How do I get the contents from the Stars and Stripes?
We publish the Stars and Stripes print newspaper edition Monday through Thursday, a special Weekend Edition on Friday for Europe and Pacific. In addition, we publish several bi-weekly and yearly publications and numerous special supplements. In addition to our print publications, Stars and Stripes delivers breaking news 24 hours a day through its premier Stripes.com website and on mobile applications for iOS and Android. Lastly, while some of the premium news coverage is only available through paid subscriptions, Stars and Stripes has made all stories regarding the coronavirus pandemic free of charge.
3. What kind of other services Stars and Stripes offer for military community?
We have a full-fledged operational Printshop and offer a wide range of printing services to include the creation of original artworks and graphic design support services for our service members, units, the military families and our fellow on-base organizational tenants. We also offer free E-newsletters on a variety of topics of interest to the military community. We have a free Podcast called Military Matters where we discuss several topics importance to the military community. Stars and Stripes also has a deep photo and news article archive available for historical research and photos available for reproduction and purchase.

Also, we run a number of community info tables and promotions throughout the year where we give out gift cards and grand prize giveaways, all free to enter for the military community. Some of these events included the Monthly Book Shelf program, Best of the Pacific voting and Readership Surveys. We also have a youth program where we hire school kids to deliver our newspapers to the front doors of on-base towers on Humphreys, Osan and Daegu. These are great opportunities for our future leaders to experience responsibility and to learn about running a business while they earn some money.


Toastmasters, Bldg 1411
DSN: 784.8652
Email: ruth.presto@us.af.mil

What is Toastmasters, anyway?
Where and when do you meet?
Does it cost anything?

University Of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC)

Building 787, Room 5
COMM: 0505.784.6786 DSN: 784.6786
Email: osan-asia@umgc.edu

1. Locations
2. What Program do we offer?
3. Tuition Rate
4. VA Education Benefit
5. Scholarships

Vet Clinic

Osan Veterinary Treatment Facility, Bldg 766
COMM: 0505.784.6614

1. Where are you located? Next to Pass and ID
2. How do I set up an appt? Our schedule is usually open ~6 weeks out. You can call our front desk number and schedule an appt with them. Appts are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
3. Do you have Surgery appointments? Our Surgery schedule is very limited, but we usually have 3-5 Surgery days per month.
4. Iā€™m PCSing and I want to take my animal. How soon should I talk to the VTF? As soon as possible! Every country has different requirements, and some require you to start the pet movement process up to 6 months prior to PCSing.


WIC Overseas Program, Bldg 769, Room 105
Phone Number: 784.3806
Email: abbie.rybolt.ctr@us.af.mil


Osan Commissary BLDG: 230
Department of Defense Commissary Agency
DSN: 784.4546 / COMM 0505.784.4546
Email: OsanAB.Commissary@deca.mil
Website: www.commissaries.com


1. What is WIC?
A nutrition education and supplemental food program offered to eligible Women, Infants, and Children.
2.Who is Eligible?
Active Duty Military, DoD civilian employees, DoD contractors, and family members of previously listed.
3. How is Eligibility determined?
Eligibility is determined based off income, family size, and participant typeā€”pregnant women, postpartum women (up to 6 months or 1 year IF breastfeeding), and children up to 5 years of age.
4. What foods are supplemented on the WIC Overseas Program?
Milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, fresh fruit and vegetables, iron fortified cereals, vitamin C rich juices, whole grain bread/pasta/rice, beans, peanut butter, iron fortified formula & infant cereals, and infant fruits and vegetables

Private Organizations

African American Heritage Council

AFSA Chapter 1556

AFCEA Osan Mustang Chapter

Blackcat Booster Club (5RS BC)


Comm Bat Top III (51 CS Top III)

Daegu Top III

Defendersā€™ Association

Det 2, 18 IS Booster Club (Det 3, 73 ISRS BC)


Guiding Light Lodge

Hispanic Osan Latino Association (H.O.L.A)

Homeward Bound

Lethal Iron BC (51 AMXS BC)

O.F.A.A (Osan Filipino American Association)

Osan First Sergeant Council

Osan Top III Association

Osan 5/6 Club

Osan Chiefā€™s Group

Osan Menā€™s Varsity Softball

O.E.S P.T.O (Elementary School Parent/Teacher Org)


Osan Rising Four Council (OJEC)

Otis Hopkins Military Lodge #10

Pi Eta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. ROKAC

Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc.

Skivvy Booster Club (303 IS BC)

Spartan Top III

Team Osan Spousesā€™ Club

Tip of the Spear BC (731 AMS BC)

51 MUNS Booster Club

51 LRS Booster Club

51 OSS Booster Club

51 MXG Top III Association

(ā˜…BEST) 51 MXS Top III Association

51 MXS Rising 6 Booster Club




7 AF AFFOR Staff Booster Club

607 AOC Morale Team

607 ACOMS Booster Club

607 ASOG Roadrunner Booster Club

36th Spouses Club Fiendettes

6 IS Tiger Booster Club

ā€œArarat Temple No 197,

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shineā€

Fire Fighters Association

J.C. Logan Consistory No.114

LGBTQ+ Alliance

Weapon Coalition

25 FS Spouses Group dragginistas



51 MDG

Mig Alley Chapter

694 ISS Booster Club

NCO Association Chapter 1507

II Corinthians Lodge #96

Operation Warmheart


Osan Varsity Soccer