
Monday-Friday: 0730-1630


Bldg. 1313
Mustang Community Center


DSN: 784-2016
COMM: 0505-784-2016


Community Cohesion Coordinator
Doris Castro



The UNITE Program was developed to provide squadron leaders with the maximum flexibility to deliver programs that build cohesion for personnel within their unit. This includes assigned Active Duty, Spouses, Dependents, Reserve, Both APF and NAF Civilians. Funding is based on squadron end strength.

Find your unitā€™s balance in the link below.

Host Your Event in 4 Easy Steps

  • Complete the POC Appointment Letter and send to C3.
  • Submit Event Proposal with your Commanderā€™s or Appointeeā€™s signature at least 14 days in advance to C3. Once event is approved, C3 will inform the POC, pay for the event, and then POC can host the event.
  • Have Fun & Take Pictures!!!
  • Submit After Action Report to C3 within 1 week of the event.

Funding Guidelines

  • Unite is NOT a food & beverage program
  • Events must be recreational and cohesive to utilize funding
  • Unite funds CANā€™T be combined with other NAFs or APFs
  • Funds from non-Federal entities such as Booster Clubs may be used

Unauthorized Purchases

  • Alcohol
  • Gambling
  • Lodging or transportation (ITT and ODR trips allowed)
  • Equipment (rentals allowed)
  • Prizes, giveaways or promo items
  • Porta-Johns, trash services, damages or cleaning fees

Unauthorized Events

  • Holiday Parties
  • End of Year Events
  • Balls or Banquets
  • Dining in/Dining out
  • Squadron training or meetings
  • Base wide special events
  • Movies and concerts


  • Ready to Ɗxecute (RTE). Pre-approved programs and easy to implement. FSS related events that keep funds at Osan Air Force Base should be considered first.
  • Unit Developed Program. Squadron leaders are given the discretion to create UDPs that capitalize on opportunities available in the local area. UDPs require prior approval.
  • Free/Volunteer. Charitable work provides a cost-effective team-building activity that allows co-workers to see each other in a new light and can make a real difference in your community. Free events do not need prior approval, but we still need to capture event information.

Ready to Ɗxecute FSS Events

MiG Alleys Bowling Center

2 hours of unlimited bowling with shoe rental: $10.00/person
2 slices of pizza & fountain drink: $5/person

Mustang Community Center

DIY Craft Event: $20/person
DIY Cooking Event: $20/person

Mustang CafƩ

Coffee & Donut: $5/person

Outdoor Recreation

Axe Throwing: 10$/peron
Rock Wall Climbing: 10$/person

Custom Hiking Trips: Call to organize


9 holes w/golf car: 15.00/person
Hot dog, Drink, Chips: $6.00/person

Check out the ā€˜Unite Activity Guideā€™ below which contains a series of activities, exercises and games which you can adapt and use for your UNITE event. Feel free to change the contents to suit your needs but make sure you are totally familiar with the game/activity and that you have worked out how you are going to use and present the activity before using it with members.