The Military & Family Readiness Center

Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC)

The Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) is an important component of the Family Readiness System ā€“ a network of agencies, programs, services, partnerships, and individuals that support your personal, family life, and economic readiness. The M&FRC is also your gateway to the many resources available to help Osan feel a little more like your ā€œHome Away From Home.ā€ We hope to be one of your first stops once you arrive in Korea!

Military & Family Readiness Center

Bldg 916 (McPherson Center)
DSNĀ 784.5440Ā | Commercial +82 (0)Ā 505.784.5440
From US 011-82.505.784.5440

Click here toĀ schedule an appointment

Relocation Assistance

Services include relocation workshops that help you prepare for a move, and information on installations and communities worldwide. Relocation assistance also includes assistance with in-transit emergencies.

Personal Financial Management

Provides information, education, and one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family in maintaining your financial readiness. Services are designed to address money management issues throughout your active-duty life cycle and into retirement.

Employment Assistance

Offers comprehensive information, tools, and resources to support career exploration, training, and licensing, as well as employment readiness.

Personal and Work Life Program

Provides information and education to assist you and your family in developing resilience skills that can help as you navigate your mobile military lives.

Information and Referral

This can assist you in identifying and clarifying needs to determine appropriate forms of assistance and in locating services and programs available both on and off your installation.

The Transition Assistance Program

TAP prepares separating, retiring and demobilizing service members (and their families) with the information, skills, and knowledge necessary for a successful transition from military to civilian life. The first step in your transition process is to complete the congressionally mandated pre-separation counseling session, which furnishes detailed information on the various benefits and services available.

Exceptional Family Member Program ā€“ Family Support

EFMP assists in connecting families with community/family support services. Services include information and referral, events, seminars, and programs focusing on special needs issues to help families become better advocates for themselves.