
Housing cannot be secured at Osan until you arrive and check into the base. Housing assignments are subject to availability and the option to live off-base is NOT guaranteed.

Your Home Away From Home

Unlike at other locations, finding a place to live at Osan cannot begin until you physically arrive on the peninsula. On-base, Osan has 11 unaccompanied dormitories, 3 military family housing towers, and 4 senior leader townhouse complexes. Off base, most available rental housing is apartments, but standalone houses can be an option if youā€™re flexible about distance from base. Please see theĀ Osan AB Housing PolicyĀ for a summary of all guidance provided below.

Unaccompanied Personnel (Dorms)

Osan has an ā€œOn Base Firstā€ policy. Living off-base is NOT guaranteed and if occupancy rates do not meet or exceed 95%, anĀ Exception to Policy (ETP)Ā is required to move off base. Work with your sponsor to provide a copy of orders, RNLTD, projected arrival date, time in service, and DoD ID # for dorm room assignment prior to arrival.Ā For more info, see ourĀ Dorm Welcome Packet.

Unaccompanied E-1 to E-4

Members will be tracked prior to arrival and automatically assigned a dorm room. If overall dorm occupancy is at least 95%, E-4 members with more than 3 years of service may be approved to move off-base upon arrival if they desire to do so.

Unaccompanied E-5 to O-6 members

Members who want to live on base can be assigned a room in the E-5 and above dorm prior to arrival, if available. Members are authorized to live off-base if dorm occupancy rates exceed 95%.

Note:Ā Living off-base is likely but NOT guaranteed. If occupancy rates do not meet or exceed 95%, members will be notified at the off-base housing brief and assigned to the dorms unless an ETP is approved.

Unaccompanied Join Spouse

Inbound members on unaccompanied Join Spouse orders are not required to live on base, regardless of rank. If they desire to reside on-base, Unaccompanied Housing will coordinate the first suite available.


It is highly advised to NOT bring a pet with you as you may be placed into a dorm room and pets are not authorized within the dorm campus (exception: fish in up to a 10-gallon tank).

  • Bringing a pet with you could result in a non-reimbursable expense for pet lodging while you go through the exception to policy (ETP) process
  • The ETP process does not guarantee approval to live off-base. Approval authority lies with MSG/CC and disapproval authority lies with the FW/CC


The dorms are fully furnished (as are many off-base apartments), so the majority of your HHG will not be needed during your assignment. Visit theĀ Shipping Household GoodsĀ tile for more information.

  • If you bring a large HHG shipment but are assigned to the dorms, you will be responsible for storing your excess HHG at your own expense. Housing will not issue a non-availability letter prior to arrival granting a larger weight entitlement, and ETPs due to HHG do not guarantee approval to live off-base
  • Please direct questions regarding HHG to your local TMO or the Osan TMO:Ā 51lrs.inboundhhg@us.af.milĀ or DSNĀ 315.784.6019

Accompanied Personnel

Military Family Housing (MFH)

Command-Sponsored (CSP) members (to include mil-to-mil couples with no dependents) must report to the Housing Office upon arrival to check for MFH availability. Failure to report upon arrival could result in a non-reimbursable lodging expense. To be placed on the MFH projection list, members must submit theĀ MFH Application Packet.

Members who want to reside off-base but are assigned to MFH must submit anĀ Exception to Policy (ETP). The ETP process does not guarantee approval to live off-base. Approval authority lies with MSG/CC and disapproval approval authority lies with the FW/CC.

  • IAW 51 FW MFH Guidance Policy (2023), all personnel assigned to Osan Air Base, including K&E, are not authorized a turn-down option when offered quarters. Electing not to accept available quarters while awaiting ETP approval will result in cancellation of TLA, and the member will be responsible for funding any additional lodging costs moving forward
  • If a housing unit is not projected to be available within 30 days of arrival and the member does not wish to wait longer than 30 days for an on-base unit to become available, a non-availability letter will be issued. The member is then authorized to attend the off-base housing briefing and secure off-base housing. If the member wishes to wait for an on-base unit but the wait exceeds 60 days, they will be issued a non-availability letter to temporarily move off-base while they wait for a vacancy


Osan MFH is pet friendly. Residents are authorized up to 2 pets (dogs, cats, hamsters, or guinea pigs) and must register their pets with the Housing Office & Vet Clinic. Aggressive dog breeds, including Pit Bull (American Staffordshire Bull Terrier or English Staffordshire Bull Terrier), Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, Chow, and wolf hybrids, are prohibited.

Military Family Housing (MFH) Units Options

  • Seoraksan TowerĀ ā€“ Junior Enlisted (E1-E6) MFH has two, three, and four-bedroom units:
    • 2 bedrooms: 1,299ftĀ²
    • 3 bedrooms: 1755ftĀ² to 1908ftĀ²
    • 4 bedrooms: 1908ftĀ²
  • Jirisan TowerĀ ā€“ SNCO & CGO MFH has three and four-bedroom units:
    • 3 bedrooms: 1814ftĀ² to 1992ftĀ²
    • 4 bedrooms: 2081ftĀ² to 2217ftĀ²
  • Hallasan TowerĀ ā€“ FGO MFH has three and four-bedroom units:
    • 3 bedrooms: 1742ftĀ² to 2088ftĀ²
    • 4 bedrooms: 2164ftĀ² to 2308ftĀ²

The number of authorized bedrooms is based off rank and number of dependents, as outlined in AFI 32-6000, Housing Management, Tables A2.2 & A2.3. If there is a waitlist for a given unit size, members may be upgraded to a larger unit. Members will not be placed in a smaller unit unless they choose to accept a smaller unit vs. waiting on a larger unit. Assignment priority will be determined based on K&E status and report date to Osan AB.
For more info, see ourĀ Military Family Housing Handbook.

Off-Base Housing

Members eligible for off-base housing must attend the Off-Base Housing Brief offered by the Housing Office every weekday at 8:00 AM, with exception of all US and Korean holidays.

  • Members must attend the briefing prior to beginning their search for housing; signing aĀ lease agreementĀ without attending the briefing first may result in a non-reimbursable OHA expense
  • Command Sponsored (CSP) members and unaccompanied members E-4 and below are required to obtain a non-availability letter from the Housing Office to attend the briefing
  • After attending the briefing, you can schedule appointments with our manyĀ local realtorsĀ to view prospective homes

Loaner Furniture

Once members have secured a residence on- or off-base, the Housing Office will help to schedule loaner furniture delivery. One-time delivery/one-time pick-up must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

  • CSP membersĀ may receive loaner furniture based on the number of family members and must return it after 90 days
    • All mattressesĀ requested in 90 day loaner kits are required to use a mattress cover, which will be provided
  • Unaccompanied membersĀ in off-base housing may keep their loaner furniture/appliances for the duration of their assignment at Osan but must return it prior to PCSing

Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)

TLA is authorized for members awaiting dorm room assignment, military family housing (MFH) assignment, or those actively seeking off-base residence. TLA claims should be processed every 10 days at the Housing Office and require the following documents:

  • Copy of PCS Orders (all pages, including amendments)
  • Paid lodging receipt
  • Non-availability letter (if applicable)

Per the Financial Management Regulation (FMR), inbound members are authorized up to 60 days of TLA. Outbound members living in Military Family Housing or off-base housing are authorized up to 10 days of TLA, while outbound members living in the dorms are authorized up to 30 days of TLA in the interest of providing accommodations for inbound members upon arrival. Members are required to search and secure housing aggressively; not doing so could result in denial of TLA reimbursement.

For more information on TLA, please reference the FMR:Ā DoD 7000.14-R, Vol. 7A, Ch. 68.

Osan Housing Office

Bldg 600, Room 101 (between the PAX Terminal and Turumi Lodge, 1stĀ Floor)
DSNĀ 784.1840Ā | Commercial +82 (0)Ā 505-784-1840
EmailĀ 51ces.ceihh.housing@us.af.mil
Facebook: Osan Air Base Housing & Dorm Office

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM-330 PM
Closed all US Holidays; By Appointment/Emergency Only all Korean Holidays
Closed the 3rd Thurs of the month after 1200 for training

For more information and to stay connected with the Housing Office upon arrival, please download the Air Force Connect App (available on Apple and Android) and add 51st Fighter Wing as a ā€œFavorite.ā€